Thursday, April 11, 2019


My heart took over from 
the Staid Old Dude
and showed the way
beating exuberance
and wildness
and no confines.

The S.O.D. died and
exuberant wild openness 
was born.

"I ain't gonna work on
Maggie's farm no more."

Time to shift gears.
No. To throw away all gears.

What does this mean?
No meaning at all.
Meaning is Maggie's Farm.

Resilient rhythmic resurrection.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Meat Heart

What is Heart anyway? Are we not cosmic creative energy "stepped down" into the wonderment of the physics of meat? 

I have been called a meat head before with evocations of laughter all around. I will add to that. Not only am I a meat head but a meat heart. 

My meat heart yelled at me and would not stop yelling. The docs went in there and calmed it down. They used meat techniques to calm my meat heart: cuttings and machine insertion and long term (life long?) medication. 

So far, so good. But what of my cosmic creative energy Heart? They never dealt with that or spoke of it. Not their job. Meat mechanics. Good people with good skills but meat focused.

The Cosmo Heart I must deal with myself. Or rather, continue to become Its Energetic Flow. It's the one that is going to win out in the long run anyway. 


Each of us has our own Interflow path. I don't want yours. I love the one continuously opening for me. 

I do believe this though. The cosmic creative energy that breathes us, that breathed life into us when we were born, will receive our last outbreath when this meat ticker stop ticking and this machine they stuck in me stops recording data for my meat doc.

My meat heart is my sweetheart but not my Sweet Heart.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Do You Stay The Same Old Clod?

The heart has its contraction and expansion. So do we. The ongoing rhythm of this beat is important, essential to Life. Condense, expand. Condense, expand. 

Our breathing helps us form the proper beat attitude. Breathing in allows us to expand, though it is also possible to condense with breathing in. Breathing out is our usual mode of expansion, though the obverse can be true. Determine which is your usual way. Or do you just stay the same old clod regardless of your breathing?

Perhaps you have fallen into the practice of taking only small sips of air as if it costs $10,000 a sip. You breath miser, you! Breathe fully and deeply! Invigorate your cells with oxygen. (It's up to you. No one can do it for you.) 

You are just a big old heart, you know. You are an energy heart, a spiritual heart. Spiritual refers to breath (spire, inspiration, aspiration). We do not breathe ourselves. Try it. You won't last long. No. You are being breathed. So accept it. Breath and heart go together. Love mates.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Knowing and Loving

The breath is love; the heart is knowing. Love is given and received through breath. The knowing of God, the knowing of others is through the organ of the heart, not the physical organ but the subtle organ. We have/are a subtle body, you know.

The heart knows. The breath loves. Prayer is the breathing of love. Knowledge is the awareness of the heart.

Though our physical heart may have difficulty, our awareness heart continues to function, can function even better than before. We continue breathing love while opening to ever new knowledge.

We are not heart patients. We have heart patience.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Photon Notes

Waking Dream: Sky Black touching up a mural with his paint brush. Immediate thought: Is this the way a photon refreshes its creation? Does the Creator touch up the image we are via photonic energy? Is this the way all in existence is brought into being and sustained while transforming?

Robert Gilmore says a photon can download new electrons. Our body parts replace themselves every few years. Is this a photonic endeavor?

Becoming Photonic

I look to operate from the lowest common denominator of existence: the photon. Though I enjoy humor and regard the cosmos as a highly humorous place, I do not need to make light of the matter. It is already happening, has been happening from the cosmic start.

My goal: To understand the photon. To identify with the photon. To become completely photonic.

It should not be too difficult. The photon is of what I am made, my basis in being.

I tire of the human species (feces), wish to clean up my act, and the photon is Total Action.

There is nothing anyone can say or do to dissuade or persuade me. I'm on my way. It's a done deal.

First step: Studying "The Foundations of Science: The Missing Parameter" by Arthur Young.