The heart has its contraction and expansion. So do we. The ongoing rhythm of this beat is important, essential to Life. Condense, expand. Condense, expand.
Our breathing helps us form the proper beat attitude. Breathing in allows us to expand, though it is also possible to condense with breathing in. Breathing out is our usual mode of expansion, though the obverse can be true. Determine which is your usual way. Or do you just stay the same old clod regardless of your breathing?
Perhaps you have fallen into the practice of taking only small sips of air as if it costs $10,000 a sip. You breath miser, you! Breathe fully and deeply! Invigorate your cells with oxygen. (It's up to you. No one can do it for you.)
You are just a big old heart, you know. You are an energy heart, a spiritual heart. Spiritual refers to breath (spire, inspiration, aspiration). We do not breathe ourselves. Try it. You won't last long. No. You are being breathed. So accept it. Breath and heart go together. Love mates.
Our breathing helps us form the proper beat attitude. Breathing in allows us to expand, though it is also possible to condense with breathing in. Breathing out is our usual mode of expansion, though the obverse can be true. Determine which is your usual way. Or do you just stay the same old clod regardless of your breathing?
Perhaps you have fallen into the practice of taking only small sips of air as if it costs $10,000 a sip. You breath miser, you! Breathe fully and deeply! Invigorate your cells with oxygen. (It's up to you. No one can do it for you.)
You are just a big old heart, you know. You are an energy heart, a spiritual heart. Spiritual refers to breath (spire, inspiration, aspiration). We do not breathe ourselves. Try it. You won't last long. No. You are being breathed. So accept it. Breath and heart go together. Love mates.