Wednesday, March 13, 2019


In uncovering (re-covering is not the word; no covering over again) from this past year's heart surgery and complications, I open to the urge to make life simpler. For example, in the external "objective" world, a monk's bed is replacing the queen.

I have no desire to "lay up my treasures on earth" though I must admit that has never been my goal. Worldly honors and recognition have always been worthless illusions. As for money, I tried to eat a dollar bill once. It gave no satisfaction, even with salt.

This chest scar gives me even greater understanding that I am not my body. My home is elsewhere, in the invisible and the dark (which are increasingly visible and light). The physical body fails, falls, and rots away. So do the social body, the economic body, the political body. Repair of those particular bodies will not come from themselves, but from our living as the invisible visible and the dark light. "In the world, but not of the world."

I have decreasing interest in the affairs of humans. I live more and more within the heart, the core, of my heart. Oh, I will continue to "do stuff" but only as it arises in the natural unfolding. Wu chi ku, baby, wu chi ku. Uncovering. 

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